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I just learned about HousecallMD the other day and wanted to share this healthcare provider's services with you

New to Kitsap County and the Olympic Peninsula, HousecallMD!

Easy access to health care has long been an issue, even in today’s world. Getting an appointment in a doctor’s office can be a hassle with waiting times running for hours. The rural areas have it worse with waiting times even running for days!

The average visit to an urgent care in America (from leaving the home, driving to the clinic, registering, waiting in the waiting room, seeing the doctor, driving to the pharmacy, waiting at the pharmacy for the prescription, then driving home) totals 5.5-6 hours.  The same to an emergency department (door-ED-pharmacy-home) averages 8-9 hours.

  • HousecallMD accepts most medical insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, United HealthCare, Premera, Regence, Cigna, Aetna (awaiting TriCare approval)

  • HousecallMD provides 24 hour telemedicine services and extended hour on-site care.  

  • HousecallMD currently services all of Kitsap County as well as some of Mason and Jefferson Counties.

  • HousecallMD performs basic labs on-site, and partner with local labs for any additional testing needed.  

  • HousecallMD partners with a local mobile x-ray/ultrasound technician who can perform these tests in the patient's home when necessary.  

  • HousecallMD provides a mobile phlebotomy service (the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in order to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid, or historically, as part of the procedure of letting blood) as well, for when patient's doctors order lab tests, but the patients cannot make it to the lab or clinic for testing.

  • HousecallMD has a mobile medicine dispensary and carry the most common antibiotics. muscle relaxers, and other medications to be dispensed on-site, so the patient doesn't have to go wait at the pharmacy.

  • HousecallMD works with the patient's primary care doctor to help reduce ER visits and hospital admissions.  

This is just some of the information. I encourage you to go to their website to learn more about their services for yourself or a loved one.


Article Submitted by Mary Coupland

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