The first 500 people that subscribe to the Compass & Clock 2021 magazines will receive a single copy of the Spring/Summer 2021 edition and the Fall/Winter 2021 edition at no cost mailed to their home.
* Must be a WA. State mailing address to receive the free subscription
With the uncertainty of COVID for 2021, I want to make sure that the folks that are Most Vulnerable and live at home, have access to the Compass & Clock magazine in 2021.
I am still going to be distributing the magazine in the WestSound from Gig Harbor to Port Angeles. I am going to be placing it strategically so you can access it safely and conveniently.
Look for it at the below places and ask for a copy at the front desk:
Local Professionals Offices
Local Healthcare Offices
Local Eateries
Senior Centers
Food Banks
Senior Housing Communities
In-Home Care Providers Agencies
Local Senior Info & Assistance Offices (O3A, Kitsap Senior Info & Assistance, etc)
Real Estate Offices
Chambers of Commerce
And so much more.
Not sure where to find a copy in your area, feel free to email me at:
compassandclockmc@gmail.com and I'll give you a list of local places in your neighborhood.
Thank you for reading our informative publication.
Stay Happy & Healthy ~ Mary