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Puget Sound Honor Flight

In Honor of Our Veterans

Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America’s veterans for all their sacrifices. We transport our heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. Top priority is given to the senior veterans – World War II survivors, along with those other veterans who may be terminally ill.

OUR MISSION : To transport our heroes on “One Last Mission” – a trip to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at the memorials built in their honor. This trip is free to the veteran, and made possible solely through individual donations and corporate support – NO Federal funds are allocated to this program. With the hard work and dedication of Honor Flight hubs throughout the U.S., and their communities, over 180,000 veterans have made this cathartic journey.

Since America felt it was important to build a memorial to honor the service and the ultimate sacrifice of her veterans, the Puget Sound Honor Flight believes it is equally important that they actually get to visit and experience their memorial.

David Olsen, a resident of Kitsap County shared this information with me. He volunteers for the Arizona HUB as he and his wife snowbird down there for approx 6 months each year.

Thank you David for making me aware of Honor Flight, and encouraging some of our Compass & Clock veteran readers to sign up for a trip. David shared a short three min. video for you to see a small sample of a trip. David put this video together for one of the veterans (family) when he got word he passed away this past week. The director of the care facility told me that the Honor Flight gave Bud so much joy since he took the trip over a year ago and that he was still talking about it just last week. Meet Bud Zeek, a World War II Veteran:

As you can see from the video, mobility is not a problem on their trips. They bring wheelchairs along wherever they go. They also bring two medical personnel to make sure everyone is taking their meds and not overdoing themselves.  

Here's the link to the Puget Sound Honor Flight website. I encourage you to take a look and fill out an application for your Veteran loved one.

Thank you David for sharing, and R.I.P. Bud Zeek. Thank you for your service.

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