Hello. My name is Mary Coupland, and on January 1st, 2018, I founded Compass & Clock LLC, a multimedia program I created after my mom battled Alzheimer’s Disease for nearly a decade. The difficulty we had finding information and resources was the inspiration.
The Compass & Clock multimedia program provides invaluable information, tools and tips to educate and help you stay on top of your game through middle age, retirement, and well into your senior years.
The content is accessible through our 80 page bi-annual publication and a variety of digital platforms such as our monthly e-newsletter, podcasts, e-book, and more.
With the release of our Spring/Summer 2023 edition, this is the first time since the launch of Compass & Clock that our bi-annual publication has NOT been available as a high quality print magazine. It is only available as an E-book, and the same will be the case for the Fall/Winter Edition.
Why? First, that’s all the budget could support due to the multiple increases in paper costs, gas prices, and the drop in ad revenue. Second an all digital platform allows others outside our local Puget Sound region to have access to this much needed information.
I've heard from readers and local businesses that the hard copy magazine is something they would love to continue to get their hands on.
With the help of my printer I performed a small test in 2022 to see if a subscription for Home Delivery was viable as I was thinking of our future. For the low single cost of $9.99, I now know I can provide this service to all 50 states, and the magazine can be delivered to your home or office, twice a year.
Just one catch. A minimum of 1000 subscriptions is required to offer the annual home delivery subscription @ $9.99, to be mailed directly to your home or office twice a year, to any of the 50 states.
This will allow Compass & Clock in 2024 to deliver current content to our audience, no matter your choice of medium. We've got you covered! Print magazine, e-book, e-newsletter, podcasts, social media, and so much more.
How does the Home Delivery 2024 Campaign work?
It's very simple.
If you are interested in having the magazine delivered to your home or office or you want to gift it to someone, simply click on the link or scan the QR code below and provide your name and email address. That's it. No cost to show your interest.
Over the next 6 months I will keep a tally of the number of subscriptions and on January 2nd 2024 you will receive an email from me if we've hit our 1000 threshold. The email will provide the Subscription Link where you fill in your name, email, mailing address and remit $9.99 single payment.
Please help spread the word so anyone across the nation can have the magazine mailed to their home or office.
SIGNUP Link for Home Delivery:
QR Code for Home Delivery:
